Second message that I want to share with our brain injury survivors is that the global effect of any kind of brain injury on your body is weakness. After the injury, your body is now weak—weak neurologically, weak physically, weak psychologically, weak mentally, and weak emotionally. Your body has now become a host of all kind of weaknesses, and you need to get stronger in every aspect. This is what I have researched in the last couple of years and felt practically as a brain injury survivor.

You are neurologically weak because the head of your central nervous system (CNS) is injured, and it is not able to communicate and send motor signals to your body as efficiently as it did before the injury. After brain injury, when the brain tries to perform any task, it always comes with an extra cost of energy, and it gets taxed even in basic daily life activities. Neurological weakness is the reason why, after an injury, our brain tires quickly before our body.

You are physically weak because some parts of your body are not getting signals from your brain to perform motor tasks and are paralyzed. Paralysis is the second name of weakness, and the longer your body will not get signal from your brain, the more it gets weak. Also due to disuse atrophy after brain injury, the survivor lost a significant amount of muscle mass, and the loss in muscle mass led to a loss in strength. The longer the body remains in an unresponsive and inactive state, the more muscle mass it will lose and the more it will get weak.

Psychological, mental, and emotional weaknesses that are associated with brain injury are all due to the central nervous system weakness associated with brain injury. Since the brain is injured, it is not able to process the information coming to it. Getting angry, not being able to hold emotions, and bursting into tears quickly are associated with emotional weakness. Depression is also associated with people suffering from brain injury because, due to mental weakness, the brain is not able to think and process information as it did before the injury.

After the injury, I was emotionally and mentally so weak that even my brain was not able to process simple commands given by my caregivers, and I got angry very quickly. I also cried a lot in those times because my brain was not capable and strong enough to hold emotions.

Psychological, emotional, and mental weaknesses will all fade away slowly and gradually as your brain heals and you give it ample time to recover. You only need to fill your brain with good things like good emotions, happiness, joy, and love. Your caregiver can play a huge role in providing you with a lovely environment so that your brain can heal quickly.

You will get neurologically stronger as the brain recovers, but some kind of training is needed to overcome neurological weakness. Physical weakness and your lost physical capabilities are the only things that you will not be able to gain until you work on them. A survivor will be able to get back his lost muscle mass, strength, endurance, and power only when he works for it. Things are simple are easy, you only need some sort of guidance to achieve everything.

I struggled for each and everything you are struggling right now and I overcome all kind of barrier associated to my physical, mental, emotional and social life. I am here to help you kindly reach me out atleast once.


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